Thursday, May 25, 2023

Unintentional Double Dip

or how I managed to put one work in two simultaneous exhibitions...


I submitted "Rockbrook Barn" to the NOAPS Spring International On-Line Exhibition through Juried Art  Services in early April. After submitting (and after the deadline) I realized the image I uploaded didn't meet their criteria (size and ppi). There were serious warnings on the submission page about having the image correct or it would be tossed, so I assumed I wouldn't make the cut. I said to myself "I just threw that money away.., it was a long shot anyway" and promptly forgot all about it

So I entered "Rockbrook Barn" into the Fredric Remington Members Juried Art Exhibit a couple weeks later. It was accepted into the show and won third place! Thank you all at the Remington.

Last night about 2am I remembered about the NOAPS show so I logged in to view it. As I scrolled down through the works..."Rockbrook Barn" was there.


So...two shows, one work. I'm still not sure how I made it into NOAPS. But I'm thrilled about being a part of both exhibitions.


Saturday, May 20, 2023

Thursday, May 4, 2023